imadako:[HairPins!! L and R sets.]DOWNLOAD/MediaFiremesh by me.for male and female.category:Accessor
imadako:[HairPins!! L and R sets.]DOWNLOAD/MediaFiremesh by me.for male and female.category:Accessory/Ring.*M,F,U is same hairpins.these have different positions.You can choose a pin in the favorite position,to match hair style.You can use it as you want.please enjoy it.色追加したり直したりなんでもお好きなようにお使いください。for recolor yourselfsimple PSD file./DOWNLOAD*re-color and upload OK.include this mesh,OK. *no need report to me.*if possible,please credit me(imadako/メッシュ含むリカラーの配布OKです。報告はなくていいです。よければクレジット表記お願いしますがなくてもいいです。かわいいピンできたらアップしていただければ私も楽しいです。thank you for all CC creater :) -- source link