aewriter4: Chantal Rodriguez, captured by the Morality Police at a feminist demonstration in the Cap
aewriter4: Chantal Rodriguez, captured by the Morality Police at a feminist demonstration in the Capital. “Give me your clothes! All of them! Now!”, demands the brutal Colonel Montoya–“You won’t need them where you’re going: the Women’s Special Prison!” “NO!…You CAN’T! Don’t I get a trial first?” Colonel Montoya scowls. “Put a PENIS-GAG on this uppity bitch!” Then he stalks away.Two big cops strapped a cruelly huge penis-gag into girl’s mouth–how she struggled! Then they shoved naked Chantal into the back of a car. There the delicate young girl was introduced to the huge black Prison Guard called Lobba. The driver gunned the engine and the car headed out the 90 miles to the Prison. -- source link