majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.

majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.
majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.
majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.
majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.
majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.
majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.
majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.
majortomzin: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich. Inspiration for Hunky Dory poses.