I am human and sometimes I get sad. I’m not always happy and I’m not always smiling. If
I am human and sometimes I get sad. I’m not always happy and I’m not always smiling. If you met me in passing that’s the energy I give off if you met me on a good day; smiley Sophia. Overall my life is good. I’m very blessed and I do not have a need that is not met but that doesn’t mean I have to lie to myself and force happiness. There will be good days and there will be bad days because that is life. I know my happy days will be back in no time. Just learning how to better love myself and respect myself. The point of the post is to just share a normal human day of not feeling like smiling, with a picture of me smiling. Lol it’s okay to not be okay. Apart of self care is letting yourself feel. Not shutting yourself off from inevitable pain and making yourself numb. This also isn’t one of those looking for pity post. I’m just sad, I’m not dying. This was a mental health check. Things that’ll put me in a better mood is Netflix and some food. Self care. What do you do when you’re sad to make yourself not feel so down? #mentalhealth #selfcare #itsokaytonotbeokay (at Saraswati Temple) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37PRq8lPIU/?igshid=110abvo9o9o8p -- source link