-Woodburning Ma’at- I come to you as Djehuty, my two hands joined together under Ma’at.
-Woodburning Ma’at- I come to you as Djehuty, my two hands joined together under Ma’at. She comes to be with you, for she is everywhere. You are provided with Ma’at. You move in Ma’at. You live in Ma’at. She fills your body. She rests in your head. She makes her seat upon your brow. The breath of your body is of Ma’at, your heart does live in Ma’at. All that you eat, all you drink, all that you breathe is of Ma’at. Djehuty presents Ma’at to you, his two hands are upon her beauty before your face.Eternal Egypt - Richard Riedy —————————————————————————————————Did you all know we do other things than sculptures? My Reverend Future-wife and I sometimes get to collaborate on pieces. This is one of them. I sketch, she does the beautiful wood burning. I paint and stained the accents on this. Ma’at is balance, truth, and order. She is not good nor evil, but the one who balances us all. Both the fertile land, and the desert beyond. We strive to uphold her principles. To live a life and act lighter than Her feather on the scale. She’s on the Etsy now:EtsySenebty,IseqiDaughter of Amun-ra and SetBeloved of Hethert-Sekhmet and Heru-Wer -- source link
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