psfashion:When I was in high school I took a weight-lifting class. I was one of two girls in that cl
psfashion:When I was in high school I took a weight-lifting class. I was one of two girls in that class (shout out to @part_time_passport for joining me). The majority of the class were wrestlers & footballers, all looking to be as big as possible. I picked that class because the room had AC & I didn’t have to run. Soon I was squating 180, more than I weighed at the time. My legs were massive, super-strong, but still wrapped in fat & cellulite. I quickly got the nickname “Thunder Thighs” - a devastating blow to my teenage self-esteem. Now I embrace my strong, thick thighs. They carry me where I need to go, fill out my jeans, and provide a soft spot for my puppy to sleep. These Thunder Thighs are the perfect storm for me. #psitsfashion . . . . . . #whatiwore #noboringfam #honormycurves #celebratemysize #goldenconfidence #effyourbeautystandards #fatgirlsbewinning #daretowear #allbodiesaregoodbodies #lifethrowscurves #bigandblunt #plussize #fatbabe #plusandproud #whatfatgirlsactuallywear #fatshion #psootd #psblogger #plussizeblog #plussizeblogger #plussizefashion #nowrongway #bebodyaware #bodypositive #bodyacceptance #selflovebringsbeauty #selflove #loveyourself #myswimbody -- source link