periodlover: v-a-gina-uk:I fully expect to lose more followers because of this photo, or maybe eve
periodlover: v-a-gina-uk: I fully expect to lose more followers because of this photo, or maybe even get some hate mail, but that’s ok because I think it’s worth it. I started my period yesterday. That good old bleeding-thing that a whole hell of a lot of women do each month but never really show or talk about. There’s blood flowing out of my body and I don’t think it makes me dirty, filthy, vulnerable or disgusting. I feel beautiful when I’m bleeding. I feel more connected to my body and I want to take care of myself and give myself a hug for bearing with this painful, bloody, sometimes panty-ruining, sometimes work-delaying phenomenon. I am amazed at what my body can do and I hope that both men and women out there can look at this with an open mind and realize it’s not really a big deal and it happens all the time. * Via: Gina @ V-A Gina. uk. ➰ re-blogging this to show support & that not all guys think periods/menstruation is gross, infact a lot of guys like me actually love periods/menstruation -- source link