plantwitch:this is so fucking dumb oh my god. guess what!!! men rape!!! “real” men rape!!! men of ev
plantwitch:this is so fucking dumb oh my god. guess what!!! men rape!!! “real” men rape!!! men of every shape n size n religion n color are capable of rape and your emphasis on “that’s not what REAL men do!!!” Is so shitty and just reaffirms stupid fucking patriarchally implied social/gender norms… what are “not real” men like what is a “fake” man to u… r u saying the REAL LIFE men who rape are more closely likened to women??? mayb another gender U would like to dehumanize by comparing them to rapists…rapists are real peoplereal, horrible, tangible peopledon’t fucking fake just for a slogan to get internet circle jerks congratulating U on being a MAN n saying this mythical concept of REAL MEN don’t rape pplthis is so fucking dumbhonestly any “no true scotsman” argument is so dumb unless its applied to an ideology thats specifically NOT about things that a person that “isnt a real _________” is doing -- source link