seyche: page two: elderflower — a responsive navigation/tags page featuring lots of emojis. ma
seyche: page two: elderflower — a responsive navigation/tags page featuring lots of emojis. made for codingcabin’s fruitilicious challenge version one preview: without sidebar icon / code: pastebin, github version two preview: with sidebar icon / code: pastebin, github features: search bar, tag dropdowns, option to give each tag box a unique hover colour, optional emojis. the page is also fully responsive; resize your browser window to see it in effect. notes: instructions on how to edit the tags, change/add/remove the emojis, and change the link hover colours are provided in the code. basic knowledge of html and css is highly recommended for editing the code credits: feather icons by Cole Bemis search tags by shythemes -- source link
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