butterpoached:darthfar:elderjulietvictoireholmes:laconicllama:zarggg:env0:aisleylikeszebras:To me, t
butterpoached:darthfar:elderjulietvictoireholmes:laconicllama:zarggg:env0:aisleylikeszebras:To me, this post might be just as important as the bible.One of my classes. My elderly teacher taught us this because he really cared about books.Why does no one teach us these things anymore?I get so uppity when someone breaks the binding on my books.I’m just a terrible person and the first thing I do with big books is break the binding.This needs to be reblogged. Just in case this manages to reach someone who might in the future borrow a book of mine, and who might otherwise bring my wrath down upon them by mistreating said book.A moment of silence for all the books we unwittingly maimed before we learned about this.[/tears up] -- source link