archives-dada:Marcel Duchamp, Torture-morte, 1959, Mouches collées sur plâtre peint, dans boîte en b
archives-dada:Marcel Duchamp, Torture-morte, 1959, Mouches collées sur plâtre peint, dans boîte en bois et verre, 29,5 x 13,4 x 10,3 cm, Paris, Centre Pompidou.© Jacques Faujour - Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI (diffusion RMN)© Succession Marcel Duchamp/ Adagp, ParisBurn down the Pompidou! And do not save Duchamp from the flames! He can only be radical again if we destroy his work and the culture marts which imprison it. This will be a trial by fire but this time we are on the side of the witch! Whatever survives the flames of radical critique may be used as a weapon of negation. The power of an artwork (or a political movement, although these are the same thing) may be measured by the extent to which it avoids reassimilation into the spectacle. Remember this. We act everyday for the destruction of the ©ommodity, of ©ulture and ©apital. We act for the transformation of the culture mart into picturesque ruins and the destruction of its logic of separation which alienates art from everyday life. We act so that one day we can play in these abandoned corridors and laugh at the seriousness with which a degraded society attempted to justify its own banality. -- source link