Lunch at “Nishiki Agaru” near Nishiki Market, Kyoto. Nicely arranged tiny colorful cups
Lunch at “Nishiki Agaru” near Nishiki Market, Kyoto. Nicely arranged tiny colorful cups called “nozoki” are so cute, which I never use at home (…too many to wash, you know). The restaurant was a renovated Machiya, traditional merchant’s house, and had a beautiful small inner garden deep-inside with fresh green of Japanese maple, which we enjoyed just next to our seats. It was good to make a reservation earlier. Kyomachiya Nishiki Agaru (Japanese) You can also bring foods you bought at Nishiki Market in (They will serve them on dish). Better to make reservations especially for weekend lunch. Machiya Kyoto’s Machiya is especially called “Kyomachiya”. Nishiki Market ( 錦市場ちかくの「錦上ル」で昼ごはん。きれいに並べられたのぞきが可愛いらしい、が、家では全然使わない(洗い物が増えるしな;)。 細長い町家の奥座敷には紅葉の青がきれいな坪庭。早くに予約しておいて良かった。 京町家 錦上ル 京町家京町家 -- source link
#kyoto food#kyoto trip#japanese restaurant#japanese tradition#japanese culture#machiya#japanese food#japanese lunch