lich-loved:commission for @fashion-goblin! they were inspired by a post by @jessicalprice, about job
lich-loved:commission for @fashion-goblin! they were inspired by a post by @jessicalprice, about job applications. in their words:“ I was sitting on a park bench, before a job interview and Illidan pops into my head, doing his “You are not prepared” routine. This is a normal, preinterview thing to happen…. But then….. out of nowhere….. Mythic Kyra popped into my head and totally smites Illidan.” so, this drawing commemorates that moment! thank you so much for commissioning me! You want to commission me? Find out more!! This is the first time anyone’s ever done fan art not of something fictional I’ve written, but of a nonfiction blog post. <3 <3 <3 -- source link