remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s

remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s
remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s
remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s
remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s
remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s
remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s
remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s
remusjohnslupin: With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the s