wingedmonkey:changan-moon:changan-moon: Illustration of ancient Chinese myths by ♂雪鱼♀1.娥
wingedmonkey: changan-moon: changan-moon: Illustration of ancient Chinese myths by ♂雪鱼♀ 1.娥皇女英 2.西王母 3.火神祝融 4.白帝少昊 5.伏羲画卦 6.仓颉造字 7-10. 黄帝战蚩尤 11.农神后稷 12.大禹治水 13.精卫填海 14.女娲造人 1. Xiang River Goddesses, Ehuang and Nüying 2. Queen Mother of the West 3. Zhurong 4. Shaohao 5. Fuxi 6. Cangjie 7-10. Battle of Zhuolu 11. Hou Ji 12. Great Flood of Gun-Yu 13. Jingwei 14. Nüwa -- source link