poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars

poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars
poolgwen:It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars