thisisableism:[Image Description: @ imransiddiquee tweeted:Men who feel outcast by “Alpha Male
thisisableism:[Image Description: @ imransiddiquee tweeted:Men who feel outcast by “Alpha Male” culture often end up replicating the same limiting, awful hierarchy in new places. # GamerGate.These men gravitate towards subcultures after being left cold by the dominant macho one, yet rather than reject hyper-masculinity, they mirror it. Yet it’s actually the same hatred of women - fear of the ‘feminine’ - at the root o the macho culture that rejected them too. # GamerGateIf you’re genuinely looking for spaces where you can escape the dominant, oppressive, expectations of masculinity - look into feminism.]intercedeth:Source: I would’ve gotten to this sooner since it’s late to be posting, but I really love this particular message and the discussion around “being a man” and how it relates to the treatment of women as well as gay men (or anyone else perceived as “less” / equivocated with being undesirably weak) -- source link