thetwelfthdr:catchphrase/ˈkaCHˌfrāz,ˈkeCH-/a word or expression that is used repeatedly and convenie

thetwelfthdr:catchphrase/ˈkaCHˌfrāz,ˈkeCH-/a word or expression that is used repeatedly and convenie
thetwelfthdr:catchphrase/ˈkaCHˌfrāz,ˈkeCH-/a word or expression that is used repeatedly and convenie
thetwelfthdr:catchphrase/ˈkaCHˌfrāz,ˈkeCH-/a word or expression that is used repeatedly and convenie
thetwelfthdr:catchphrase/ˈkaCHˌfrāz,ˈkeCH-/a word or expression that is used repeatedly and convenie