captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”

captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”
captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”
captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”
captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”
captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”
captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”
captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”
captaincanarys: CAPTAIN CANARY MEME [4/5] eras / locations:“I say we go get weird in the 70s.”