lambylingames: “Crystal Gem” All-plate transmogLevel requirement: 70Brighthelm of Justice: Serpentsh
lambylingames: “Crystal Gem” All-plate transmogLevel requirement: 70Brighthelm of Justice: Serpentshrine CavernGlowing Breastplate of Truth: Serpentshrine CavernPauldrons of the Argent Sentinel: Serprentshrine Cavern(Replica) Belt of Valor: AH/Darkmoon Faire(Replica) Legplates of Valor: AH/Darkmoon Faire(Replica) Boots of Valor: AH/Darkmoon Faire(Replica) Gauntlets of Valor: AH/Darkmoon FairePilfered Ethereal Blade: BC levelingAldori Legacy Defender: Gruul’s Lair -- source link