Amazing pics of our famous TARG perogies prepared at your home using the infallible WIZARD METHOD -
Amazing pics of our famous TARG perogies prepared at your home using the infallible WIZARD METHOD - awesome! Big ups to @sasa.bubbard @capitalzerowaste @kink.aide @menawallace for the wicked shots - super appreciated!!! Our online store TARG MART is always ready to take your orders for local pickup and we are offering hot takeout service every Fri/Sat/Sun 5pm-9pm - thank you for your support!!! Order a wizard meal online: #ottawa #pinball #perogies #fun #friends #arcade #restaurant #handmade #food #vegan #options #local #wizards #community #washyourhands #wearthemask #love #poweredbyperogies #nevergiveup (at House of TARG) -- source link