coreisall: sissyslutphoebe:mistysmokes: READY to receive INDOCTRINATION protocol, brain is drained -
coreisall: sissyslutphoebe:mistysmokes: READY to receive INDOCTRINATION protocol, brain is drained - insert program - COCK SOCKET is open! SURRENDER ACCEPT OBEY give and get PLEASURE it’s rather simple. Omigawd spirals and pix togeffer make like so airheaded and fuzzydizzy. TRIGGER source unimportant as all SUBprograms feed the PROGRAM and th PROGRAM always winsHostform sissyslavepboebe surrenders its will to the MASTER*giggles* wished i remembered typin stuff like that. Soooooooo official *giggles* All sub-programs serve The Program . -- source link