dilfosaur:dilfosaur:read the full comic!i have watched approximately 54535624664534 of these so here
dilfosaur:dilfosaur:read the full comic!i have watched approximately 54535624664534 of these so here is my Ode to Hallmark Christmas Movieseveryone: this is a callout post for my mom/aunt/grandmame: this is a well thought out self-dragPfff, as if i needen one more reason why to NOT buy a tv or at least why to not get a cable or satelite or whatever. Because this ^^^^ is like 50% of bullshit that’s being aired right now. 50% brainless christmass movies, 10% fairy tales and kids movies from 70s-80s which i have seen aproximately 100 times each because d'uh, they air them EVERY SINGLE YEAR and the reat 40% of screen time is reserved for adds. Fuck tv, viva la internet and dvd! -- source link