icryyoumercy:icryyoumercy:headbanginghobbits:freyastranger:[x] First trailer for Horrible Histories
icryyoumercy:icryyoumercy:headbanginghobbits:freyastranger:[x] First trailer for Horrible Histories cast’s Shakespeare comedy BillthefangirlwhowaitedThis looks absolutely ridiculous, and dear sweet lord, I am going to love every single last second of it. *wibbles in gleeful anticipation*It’s going to be wonderful in all the right ways, reckless and joyful and messy and it’s going to be so much fun, and absolutely no pretence of seriousness or anything, and it will be glorious, okay.(Also, Will would love it.)This is going to end up like Misummer Night’s Dream. I’m going to reblog this every single time it shows on my dash, because aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I am so excited about this and so happy and it’s going to be absolutely perfectly marvellous, and *wibbles loudly* *cries happy tears* -- source link