keplercryptids:0re:kravitzif you’re all caught up to the adventure zone, join me in being Very Conce
keplercryptids:0re:kravitzif you’re all caught up to the adventure zone, join me in being Very Concerned about this skele boy. he just wanted to be a conductor……twitter[image description: three drawings of Kravitz, a thin dark-complexioned man with long black dreadlocks. The first is a black and white drawing against a gray background. He’s turned away from the viewer, wearing a cloak and holding a scythe behind his back. In the second, he’s drawn in front of a gray background, wearing a hooded black cape with an upside-down V shaped hem and a blue-to-purple lining, a dark gray long-sleeved shirt and black pants. He has a skull mask over his face. In the third, he’s drawn from the chest up against a bright red background. He’s wearing a black cloak and is looking at the viewer with a neutral expression.] -- source link