nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend

nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend
nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend
nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend
nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend
nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend
nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend
nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend
nimrodels:lord of the rings meme: seven locations [5/7] → “Such was the virtue of the land of Rivend