legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…

legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…
legioned:“War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don’t…