asianwhiteworship: The Asian Male Beta Orbiter Behind every beautiful and sexy Asian woman, you will
asianwhiteworship: The Asian Male Beta Orbiter Behind every beautiful and sexy Asian woman, you will inevitably find one or more Beta Orbiters. After years of rejection and solitude, every Asian Beta eventually yearns for a relationship with an Asian female. After they have moved past the initial feelings of emasculating humiliation, they will crave and accept any type of attention: even if it’s platonic and nonsexual. The Asian beta will typically seek out girls who are entirely out of his range, as they tend to maintain a delusional set of standards for themselves. They might also seek out an Asian female that is already in a romantic relationship with a White man, to fulfill the needs of the Beta’s WMAF sexuality. This sets up a natural hierarchy from the start, where the Beta’s chosen Asian female is unambiguously superior to him in every respect. To initiate the relationship, he will act astonishingly servile, friendly, and submissive to his chosen female. After enough persuasion, and if he has proven himself to be enough of a harmless, non-threatening sycophant, he will be selected for the honor of being owned by his chosen Asian female. An Asian female who owns Beta Orbiters will use them to boost her self-esteem and improve her own quality of life. She will be free to speak about her sexual encounters, and abuse and trash talk Asian men around them. She might utilize them for monetary gains such as receiving gifts and dinners. She might use them for free and convenient transportation, or to help her with other tedious tasks. The Beta Orbiters will fulfill her wishes with little fatigue and disagreement. The Beta Orbiter will continue to support her as long as possible, as it is the only way he can ensure that he keeps access to his Asian female owner. He will offer ever greater money and time to his Asian female owner until supporting her becomes a full-time obligation. In this way, the Asian Beta Orbiter and his Asian female owner comprise a virtuous cycle. The Orbiter is allowed to be in a formal, nonromantic relationship with an Asian female. The Asian female, in turn, is granted material and psychological comfort and support. She can now pursue romantic and sexual activities with a dedicated support network of Asian betas! So hot! -- source link