Russian animated short, Okhota (The Hunt), 1979. By Eduard Nazarov.A boy enters a gun shop, and sees

Russian animated short, Okhota (The Hunt), 1979. By Eduard Nazarov.A boy enters a gun shop, and sees
Russian animated short, Okhota (The Hunt), 1979. By Eduard Nazarov.A boy enters a gun shop, and sees
Russian animated short, Okhota (The Hunt), 1979. By Eduard Nazarov.A boy enters a gun shop, and sees
Russian animated short, Okhota (The Hunt), 1979. By Eduard Nazarov.A boy enters a gun shop, and sees
Russian animated short, Okhota (The Hunt), 1979. By Eduard Nazarov.A boy enters a gun shop, and sees
Russian animated short, Okhota (The Hunt), 1979. By Eduard Nazarov.A boy enters a gun shop, and sees