wifesharingfan: floridwifelover: A glimpse into a private therapy session with a couple transitionin
wifesharingfan: floridwifelover: A glimpse into a private therapy session with a couple transitioning to a consensual cuckolding marriage. Here the doctor uses some feather touch simulation techniques on the husband as an aid to getting him to open up and share his desires concerning his wife taking other lovers. Lengthy edging sessions are helpfully in pealing back layers of fear and insecurity to expose ever deeper needs. All sessions are recorded and shared with his wife who gains a greater understanding of her husbands desires. When the time is right, the doctor will work with the wife to introduce a talented, well endowed lover into the marriage. Soon it will be the husband who begins watching recordings of his wife experiencing intense pleasure with one or more new lovers while the doctor provides stimulation and random reinforcement (orgams) to firmly condition the husband to associate his pleasure with his wife receiving pleasure from other lovers. When the transition is complete the couple will join the doctor’s focus groups meetings where wives, and couples gather to support each other in their lifestyle choices. FWL Where do we make appointments with this therapist? -- source link