d3nt4l-d4m4g3: athenawasamerf:d3nt4l-d4m4g3:Posts on r/ftm about hysterectomy. Notice that most of t
d3nt4l-d4m4g3: athenawasamerf:d3nt4l-d4m4g3:Posts on r/ftm about hysterectomy. Notice that most of the time, the reason for hysterectomy was terrible pain from uterine atrophy/bleeding/cysts. The best course of treatment for this is obviously to stop testosterone, but instead to these FTMS the only sane way forward is to remove their uteruses. Then when the hysterectomy is done, the cramping may be gone but other hormonal problems, which are much less fixable now that the uterus is gone, arise and wreak havoc. The uterus and ovaries regulate your hormones and without it you will never have a normal cycle of hormones again. it is likely you will be dealing with the physical consequences of a hormone imbalance for the rest of your life, because the complexity of the female hormone cycle cannot be imitated artificially. Edit: original commentary redacted as I want to keep this post more neutral and let the images speak for themselves The internalised misogyny is horrifying. If you want horrifying internalized misogyny, check the notes. There’s some woman explaining to me why she removed her perfectly healthy organs because they were “unnecessary” as if the reason she didn’t have a healthy body isn’t because all her healthy organs were still in her body -- source link