hitmann-art:Managed to doodle this random thing at work today. I’ve doodled my share of girls stan
hitmann-art: Managed to doodle this random thing at work today. I’ve doodled my share of girls standing in water before, so nothing particularly new going here. Just… it’s a catgirl of some sort, and she’s being shy, hence the droopy ears. As for the background, totally an afterthought. If I had had more time I would’ve added a few more things, like maybe railings or lamp posts on top of the stone walls. Ideally I imagined this as a sunset scene, but I didn’t feel like trying to shade a mess like that in. Best do that on computer if I ever decide to color this.Anyways, random doodle for the day, achieved!Oh, I did edit a couple of things on computer after scanning and softened the image a bit, but it’s mostly a direct scan otherwise.© HitmanN 2015Doodled with ballpoint pen in a notebook You can also view this at deviantART:http://hitmann.deviantart.com/art/2015-Ballpoint-Pen-Doodle-Kitty-Skinny-dipping-571388271 -- source link