queen-screen:Something Just Like This: Bryan Hawn & Nick Dent (aka Reese Rideout)(Chainsmokers &
queen-screen:Something Just Like This: Bryan Hawn & Nick Dent (aka Reese Rideout)(Chainsmokers & Coldplay mashup - parody music video)“Reese and Bryan sure spent a few hours at the Paula Abdul choreography clinic.” ~ https://www.thesword.com/bryan-hawn-reese-rideout.html This video was made after Bryan started censoring his free videos, and charging $100+ for most of the uncensored ones (still with no frontal nudity, which he says he’ll never do)–the top animation is from the uncensored version. But at least Bryan did leave his earlier uncensored videos up for free.Besides his parody videos, Bryan did a short-lived web series: * https://queenscreen.wordpress.com/tv/#BROMANCE REESE’S PIECES:* https://queenscreen.wordpress.com/appendicks/#REESE.RIDEOUT Reese - Bryan : Coming - Clean♛ QUEEN⚣SCREEN ♛ MOVIES ♛ XMOVIES ♛ DOCUMENTARIES ♛ TV ♛ ♛ SOUNDSTAGE ♛ NEW ♛ SOURCES ♛ BLOG ♛ TOTALLY GAY ♛ ♛ COMMENTS ♛DiCKTIONARY ♛ CUMMiNG ATTRACTiON$ ♛ Tumblr has blocked QUEEN-SCREEN’s dashboard messaging. Please use this LINK for COMMENTS, or the ASK button on the blog. -- source link
#bryan hawn