daft-junk:Probably the most traumatizing to ever happen to a young child who doesn’t understand game
daft-junk:Probably the most traumatizing to ever happen to a young child who doesn’t understand game mechanics was in the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon when you approached the turn limit of a floor.Nintendo did not fuck around with earlier PMD games. I’ve heard it exists in Time and Darkness as well but have heard nothing of the 3DS titles.You’re having a hard time on a floor when you start getting creepy messages like “Somethings approaching.” and as time goes on if you don’t leave the floor the messages got creepier and more urgent until you are instantly defeated.I’m just imaging a bunch of Nintendo people gathered around a table and one says “-you know I don’t think our games induce enough nightmares in small children.”Nowhere in the game or the instructions is it mentioned that you are required to complete a floor within a limited number of turns. No, Nintendo thought, instead of telling players this we shouldn’t just let them figure it out themselves by sending them increasingly ominous messages telling them “something” is coming implying they need to get the fuck out otherwise they are going to get murdered.I’m an adult who understands this completely but the memories still make my skin crawl.Well Jesus, I’m sorry I’m not the one who decided to make the late game full dungeons 99 floors deep that make dark souls look like a kiddie game, that are chock full of monster houses. -- source link