vintagerpg:Feretoryis the first zine from the Mörk Borg Cult, collectingmaterial created by the Mörk
vintagerpg:Feretoryis the first zine from the Mörk Borg Cult, collectingmaterial created by the Mörk Borg community. Not entirely, though –Mörk Borg writer Pelle Nilsson penned a handful of things here,including a very good monster generator and the forlorn philosopherclass. Johan Nohr handles all the art and layout as well, so itmatches the look and feel of the Mörk Borg hardcover. They evenmanaged to get a couple pages, including the front cover, to havemetallic ink, something that feels particularly novel for the zineformat.Asis only appropriate for a blackened doom metal RPG, there is nomiddle ground with Mörk Borg. You’re either all in or cashed outalready and Feretory isn’t going to change you mind either way. I’mall in. I love the look of it, the attitude, even while acknowledgingit is way over the top; any danger here is thoroughly doused in campand I find it very appealing, like Halloween. Themain criticism I saw of the core book was that there was no therethere, that the system was thin and mainly a justification for theoutlandish artwork and design. Hipster art book with RPG flavoring,basically. I think Feretory should begin to dispel that misconception– there is a sturdy, flexible system under all that delightfullySatanic art and bright colors. Feretory’s community origin is proofof that, as is the frankly astounding amount of community materialNOT collected in Feretory. People like making stuff for this game. Itis an easy game to make stuff for. It’shardto scoff at a community submission project that has to closeperiodically because of so many submissions.Alsoincluded in my copy (which I think is the Kickstarter edition, but itis hard to keep track of stuff like that) is a fun, stripped downsolo versionof the gamecalled Dark Fort. Worth the price of admission right there. Oh,and a feretory, by the way, is a portable case for the transportationof the bones of a saint. -- source link