daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.

daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.
daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.
daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.
daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.
daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.
daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.
daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.
daniels-gillies: You’re not dead, but you’re not alive, either. You’re a ghost with a beating heart.