reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.” 

reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.” 
reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.” 
reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.” 
reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.” 
reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.” 
reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.” 
reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.” 
reducios:“What would come, would come…and you would have to meet it, when it did.”