blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 

blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and 
blueoatmeal:Confusion. AKA I couldn’t figure out what to write but I took screenshots as I went and