solarpunk-gnome:socalledunitedstates:RepRapRepRap is humanity’s first general-purpose self-replicati
solarpunk-gnome:socalledunitedstates:RepRapRepRap is humanity’s first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine.RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. It also means that - if you’ve got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend…RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. We are using 3D printing to do this, but if you have other technologies that can copy themselves and that can be made freely available to all, then this is the place for you too.RepRap was the first of the low-cost 3D printers, and the RepRap Project started the open-source 3D printer revolution. It has become the most widely-used 3D printer among the global members of the Maker Community.(pictured: Snappy, a RepRap model that currently holds the record for “most 3D-printed 3D-printer”)Read more…While not cheap, you can get some halfway decent 3D printers in the $200-$300 range now. If you do, please stick to PLA for anything that doesn’t need to be temperature resistant as it is a plant-based plastic that can break down in the environment. Also, I suggest going with an i3 Prusa clone as those are the cheapest RepRaps that work well that I’ve found ATM. If I was made of money, I’d get an original Prusa as they are a lot more reliable, but thanks to the RepRap being open source the clones are pretty decent and a lot cheaper.EDIT: PETG is a recyclable plastic (like that used in water bottles) that stands up to heat well and doesn’t have all the nasty fumes and such that ABS can produce when printing. I would suggest it for applications where you’ll be seeing higher temperatures like in a hot car or window. Plus a lot of PETG is translucent so you can get your ‘90s translucent gadget on! -- source link