‘In memory of Marat, the friend of the people, assassinated on 13 July 1793’, 1793-94Sou
‘In memory of Marat, the friend of the people, assassinated on 13 July 1793’, 1793-94Source: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b52507038k/f1.item“Allegory on the death of Marat; the revolutionary shown lying in his bathtub, supported by the female personification of the French Republic, who sits on a globe and holds a fasces surmounted by a Phrygian cap; on the left Charlotte Corday, preceded by a dragon, tries to escape, but a Spirit swoops down from a pedestal and grabs her hair.”Source: http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=3480313&partId=1&searchText=fasces&object=20898&page=1 -- source link
#furies#french revolution#allegory