scinerds:On October 7th, 1959 (44 years ago) Russian space probe Luna 3 captured the first ever phot

scinerds:On October 7th, 1959 (44 years ago) Russian space probe Luna 3 captured the first ever phot
scinerds:On October 7th, 1959 (44 years ago) Russian space probe Luna 3 captured the first ever phot
scinerds:On October 7th, 1959 (44 years ago) Russian space probe Luna 3 captured the first ever phot
scinerds:On October 7th, 1959 (44 years ago) Russian space probe Luna 3 captured the first ever phot
scinerds:On October 7th, 1959 (44 years ago) Russian space probe Luna 3 captured the first ever phot