princeghost: all jokes aside, this is a big reason why im not enthusiastic for the “twitt
princeghost: all jokes aside, this is a big reason why im not enthusiastic for the “twitter refugees” a lot of lgbt people on twitter, especially young white lgbt people, have for some reason decided that mlm and especially transmasc gay men are the bane of the rest of the community and have fully bought into t*rf talking points about us. as a gay nb trans man who is on twitter, that site is extremely fucking unsafe for us. people are comparing us to colonizers and slave owners and oppressors for simply existing and loving men and being men.its made me very ashamed of my own identity and ive come incredibly close to closeting myself and lying about being a cis woman so people leave me alone and so i can feel protected and loved by my community.if people really do mass migrate here, i hope youre all willing to fight back against it, for your gay and trans siblings. -- source link