subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee

subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee
subtilitas: Ruumfabrigg - Geren barn conversion, Amden 2020. Photos © the architects.  Kee