becoming-shoshana: El Maleh Rachamim – אל מלא רחמים El maleh rachamim shochen bameromim, hamtz
becoming-shoshana: El Maleh Rachamim – אל מלא רחמים El maleh rachamim shochen bameromim, hamtzey menuchah nechonah al kanfey hashechinah, bema’alot kedoshim utehorim kezohar harakiya mazhirim et kol haneshmot shel sheshet milyoneh hayehudim, chalileh ha’Shoah ba’Eropa, shenehergu, shenish’chetu, shenisrefu, veshanisfu al kidush Hashem, b’yadey hameratzchim haGermanim ve’ozrehem misha’ar ha’amim. Lachen Ba’al harachamim yastiram b’seter k’nafav le’olamim, v’yitzror bitzror hachayim et nishmotehem. Adonai hu nachalatam, b’Gan Eden t’hey menuchatam, veya’amdu legoralam liketz hayamim, v’nomar amen. God full of mercy, who dwells upon high, grant proper rest upon the wings of the Divine Presence, in the great heights of the holy and pure who, like the brilliance of the heavens, shine to all the souls of the six million Jews slain in the European Holocaust who were killed, and slaughtered, and burned, and destroyed in sanctification of God’s name, at the hands of the German Nazi murderers and their assistants from other nations. Therefore may the Master of mercy shelter them in the shelter of His wings for eternity, and bind their souls with the bond of life. The Lord is their inheritance; may the Garden of Eden be their resting place and may they stand for their destiny in the end of days. And let us say: Amen -- source link
#november pogroms#holocaust