scholasticus-medicinae: Hello! I’m creating this list of latin vocab mainly to help myself rev
scholasticus-medicinae: Hello! I’m creating this list of latin vocab mainly to help myself revise, but also for anyone else who is premed/interested in anatomy. I tried to translate as accurately as I could, but please bear in mind my first language is not English. body parts caput - head auris - ear facies - face nasus - nose bucca - face mentum - chin collum, cervix - necktruncus - torso thorax - chest venter, abdomen - abdomen membrum superius - upper limb brachium - shoulder antebrachium - forearm carpus - wrist, carpus metacarpus - metacarpus manus - hand palma (vola) manus - palm dorsum manus - back digitus manus - finger membrum inferius - lower limb femur - thigh genu - knee crus - shin pes - foot planta pedis - sole dorsum pedis - back digitus pedis - toe direction and location (torso) cranialis - head, in the direction of head caudalis - tail, in the direction of tail, down superior - upper inferior - lower anterior - frontal posterior - back ventralis - frontal, in the direction of abdomen dorsalis - back, in the direction of back medialis - closer to the middle lateralis - closer to the side externus - outer internus - inner superficialis - superficial, on the surface profundus - profound, deep dexter - right sinister - left rostralis - upper, frontal direction and location (limbs) proximalis - closer to torso distalis - further from torso ulnaris - closer to ulna bone radialis - closer to radius bone palmaris - palm dorsalis - back tibialis - closer to tibia bone fibularis - closer to fibula bone pantaris - sole body and limb movements flexion - bend anteflexion - bend towards front retroflexion - bend towards back lateroflexion - bend on the side extension - stretch adduction - pull towards body abduction - pull away from body elevation - lift pronation - rotation towards inside supination - rotation towards outside circumduction - rotation The source I took these from also has a list of frequently used anatomical vocab, so if you are interested I could create another post (please let me know). -- source link