“The force that through the green fuse drives the flower.” - Dylan Thomas Lustrous green Moonstones
Warm rich Baltic Amber set in a handmade thorne Sterling Silver bezel. The beauty of light in the fo
The color palette of the sea. Detail of the “Sweet Moon language” jewel. Thank y
Many women have contacted me recently seeking protective jewels, and I have listened carefully to yo
The color palette of the sea. Detail of the “Sweet Moon language” jewel. Thank y
Latergram of an Autumn giftwrapped jewel package sent to a very lovely lady. For all who are receivi
Happy Monday friends! This photo was taken by lovely @michellewolff11 of one of my giftwrapped jewel
Detail of the “Sweet Moon language” jewel that is now listed in the shop. My new
Many women have contacted me recently seeking protective jewels, and I have listened carefully to yo
Warm rich Baltic Amber set in a handmade thorne Sterling Silver bezel. The beauty of light in the fo
“The force that through the green fuse drives the flower.” - Dylan Thomas Lustrous gree
Mini Wiconi ii. The second version of my “Water is sacred” jewel with Native Tur
A soft prayer for peace. I am currently working on the next newsletter to be sent out with the stori
A Mabon Black Phantom crystal sourced from snowy mountains, and set in a handmade bezel of all Sterl
Gathered these up from their Moon dance last night. So excited to be working with these soon. They a
Faceted Pyrite crystal shields to draw light, positive energy, and abundance while also protecting t
Gorgeous Aura Sapphires will be arriving in the next shop update to come. This one a kind faceted Pe
Latergram of soft planets sent with each package of Venus & Gold jewels. Painted in washes o
Black and gold is one of my favorite color and gemstone pairings. There is something very sensual an
Dark smoldering fire. When Iron and inky Carbon mix with water trapped in stone. The ancient ones be
Regram from lovely lady @voyageofbran who writes: “Newest Wildthorne strand “Mni Wic
A big thank you friends for your support in purchasing the Venus & Gold jewels this morning.
Mni Wiconi - “Water is Sacred ” necklace with Turquoise, Green faceted Quartz, A
Dark mantles for the new moon. The ebb and flow; swirling pools of grey and black with fiery curls c
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