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mingsonjia:Chinese knotting (TC:中國結; SC:中国结;pinyin: Zhōngguó jié) is a decorative handicraft art tha
The Bai or Baip (Bai language: Baipho /pɛ̰˦˨xo̰˦/ (白和 Chinese: 白族; pinyin: Báizú; endonym pronounced
FRUITS AND BERRIES A-Z, PART 23Date: 2021Chinese (pinyin) | English | Norwegian阿萨伊浆果 (Ā sà yī jiāngg
NUTS AND SEEDS A-Z, PART 3 of 3Date: December 2020Chinese (pinyin) | English | Norwegian 榛子 (Zhēnzi
FRUITS AND BERRIES A-Z, PART 21Date: 2021Chinese (pinyin) | English | Norwegian木奶果 (Mù nǎi guǒ) | Bu
GRAINS A-Z, PART 4Date: 2021Chinese (pinyin) | English | Norwegian意式面食 (Yì shì miànshí) | Italian pa
Grand Secretariat The Grand Secretariat (Chinese: 內閣; pinyin: Nèigé) was nominally a coordinating ag
GRAINS A-Z, PART 5Date: 2021Chinese (pinyin) | English | Norwegian粥 (Zhōu) | Porridge | Grøt大米粥 (Dàm
mingsonjia: the50-person: mingsonjia: Chinese knotting (TC:中國結; SC:中国结;pinyin: Zhōngguó jié) is a
taichi-kungfu-online:Zen (Chinese: 禪; pinyin: Chán; Korean: 선) is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that
FRUITS AND BERRIES A-Z, PART 20Date: 2021Chinese (pinyin) | English | Norwegian黑醋栗 (Hēi cù lì) | Bla
mingsonjia: the50-person: mingsonjia: Chinese knotting (TC:中國結; SC:中国结;pinyin: Zhōngguó jié) is a
Beautiful Tuanshan 团扇 (Chinese Rigid/Fixed Fan; Pinyin: Tuán Shàn) by 霜天晓角李晶 Other names: 圆扇, 宫扇 or
Seven Great Singing Stars (Las Damas de la copla de Shanghai) | Hoy, en #cócteldemente os dejamos un
Do you have questions about learning Chinese? Chances are we’ve answered them in this week&rsq
Pinyin is the most commonly used, standardized system to ”spell” Chinese words in the Roman alphabet
Seven Great Singing Stars (Las Damas de la copla de Shanghai) | Hoy, en #cócteldemente os dej
hanzillion: 艺 = yì = skill, art So there’s two sides to this character &mdash
pinyin:the fact the Miley one is the only one that uses personal pronouns leads me to believe she wr
餃子 (SC:饺子;Pinyin: Jiǎo Zi) Other names used commonly in other countries include “Dumplings&rdq
GRAINS A-Z, PART 3Date: 2021Chinese (pinyin) | English | Norwegian 甜点 (Tiándiǎn) | Dessert |
NUTS AND SEEDS A-Z, PART 4Date: 2021Chinese (pinyin) | English | Norwegian坚果酱 (Jiān guǒji&agra
Li Qin as Ma Zhaixing The Wolf (Chinese: 狼殿下; pinyin: Láng Diànxià) (also known
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