Lioness Defenders
Lance is thankful that this isn’t a simulator, cause he always crashes those~PG 66&67 YAAY~!
THE MONMENT THAT STARTED IT ALLLLL!and Lance might have bad luck with the ladys but fant
It’s okay Hunk~ Keiths got this! he’ll protect his bonding moment, Shiro already got to
Bliss Hunks soul and bliss one of the first Klance moments that my art skill don’t do ju
aww Pigde tried the thing but it didn’t do. ….(yes I know English) mean
Awwwwwww Sendick, you shouldn’t have done that. No one messes with Blue Boi! &nbs
VENT Pigde stricks again~! oh no.pg 152&153~ enjoy
PIGDYYYY!! don’t worry girl you can fix it~!! does anyone remember the rules I set on th
Mess with Pigde, ya get the robots…. Oh $#@t Rover! uuuuh I can fix dis! curse you Hax-wh
‘I’m the Green Paladin, and I’m here to hack a$$ and …. that’s ab
Space Mice To The Recues, Kuro will lead the way to Pigde , there’re tiny but mighty~! (smol t
Allura is sending her backup! enjoy my sub par art pg 138&139~!!
Alright our hero’s realize it’s a trap, and the other half(the team) are down or out. so
The team is now separated each doing what the can…but we all know happens nest. &nb
Fighting a Ro-beast while trying no to hurt the Balmaras hard, more so when it has no energy to prot
ah no the Blamerains cant sneak in the castle shields if the Ro-Beast is RIGHT there, at least
Ah wellp time for Ro-beast # 2 to get it’s butt kicked, Hunk’s a pacifist at
200 PAGES WYOO! Time for the Balmera to start fighting back and yes that the ‘rock
Ah, the sceond RoBeast appears.. can ya tell im NOT good at drawnin them? But the Space queen got th
HUNK-A-LIOUS to the Rescue! UH OH! trap, the doors have locked, but at least the other Balmarians ar
PG194&195first hits of alien Keith, and Lance might or might not of notice Hunk is char
The second Iconic Klance moment that let us frist know that Lance was more then a pretty comic relie
I present you the ‘wiggle dance of distraction’ The Galra are known to be suscepti
Poor hunk is so worried about his new ‘friend’ but it’s okay cause they are j
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