Brent Chua
Your grand mother
rough world
Pussy gape gifs
Your husband
chase harnett @ major
brentchua:stanley taylor @ dnaStanley Taylor by Brent Chua
phfantasists:Ismail Belgaïd by Brent Chua
django @ dna
jaden connelly @ imgcoming soon!!!
souleyman seck @ next
josh @ next
chr-stos:Max Wechter by Brent Chua
men’s folio singapore, editorialsuburban sprawlfeaturing ALEXIS CHAPARRO @ nextstylist JUNGLE LINgro
nr magazine, editorialtransmutationfeaturing JADEN CONNELLY @ imgeditors NIMA HABIBZADEH & JADE
rhys gordon @ vny
manifesto, january / february 2021, editorialyou are my magic in bloomfeaturing WILLOW BARRETT @ dna
coming soon!!!
theo ford @ imgcoming soon!!!
cole etgen @ next
max wechter @ dna
francisco henriques @ wilhelminacoming soon!!!
january 2021with emma, huxley, marcello, max, noah, sarah, and taylor
manifesto, january / february 2021, coverfeaturing WILLOW BARRETT @ dnaart director TAYLOR EDWARD FR
ian, dancer, 2021
men’s folio malaysia, editorialdon’t hide the lightfeaturing RYU AGUILAR @ next, and THEO FORD @ img
yoel fernandez @ next, waiting, 2020
manifesto, january / february 2021, editorialthe waiting roomfeaturing HANNAH LOCSIN @ supreme, and
aaron o’neal @ the society
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