Survivaltip Gallery
So here’s a some more #information from “A Pocket Naturalist® Guide&rdqu
In a pinch, get some water via transpiration!
Bug-out bag goals!
Nice little collection!
Keep these things stored - There’s no down-side!
Something to keep in mind…
In a pinch, eat these!
Get these.. And you’ll be set for 72 hours!
Don’t forget about your pets while prepping!
Disconnect the TV and reconnect to REALITY!
If you have to jump put of a car, you’re gonna be glad you saw this!
In a pinch, do this!
Great way to get directions if you’re lost
French whipping knot!
What project are you holding back on? Reblog + answer, best answers get featured!
If you’re starving, well, you’ve got a source of protein. Actually, you&rsqu
Quicksand isn’t a prevalent problem, but it’s important to know this!
Cover your bases!
(via baarff, survivaltips)
Do you have this stocked? Do you want to?
In a pinch, get some water via transpiration!
The limits of the human body
Bowline is so useful… Learn it!
Tell time with just your hands